
Welcome to our website.  We are Troop 3398 from La Habra.  We love animals.  We all go to different schools, have different hobbies, and like different things, but the one thing we all have in common is that we LOVE animals.  All kinds of animals.  When we thought about what we wanted to do to earn our Bronze Award we all had different ideas, but we all knew we wanted to do something to help animals.  We are all in the 5th grade.  During a sleepover last year we were talking with Ava and Shania (two older sisters) about when we start wearing make up and taking care of our skin.  They told us when we do we should use cruelty-free products.  We didn't know what this meant at first, but they told us that certain companies test on animals.  At first we thought how silly a rabbit would look wearing lipstick, but then we learned that that isn't what happens at all!  Animals are tortured and killed!  We decided we wanted to learn more and share what we learned with 
everyone we could.  We hope that EVERYONE will want to make a change and help #change the fate 
of MILLIONS of animals.  -Nadine and Troop 3398

Vivisection is the cruel and senseless practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation and scientific research

Guess What?  You can Make a Difference!  

Make kind choices.  Think before you buy!

Our goal is to create Awareness. We want everyone to know that Animal Testing exists! Just because you don't see it or think about it doesn't mean it isn't happening. If you choose to use products that test on Animals YOU are hurting animals. You have a choice when you purchase items. If you choose products that are produced in a way that is kind you will make a difference in the lives of millions of animals.

Why should you care? Animal testing is not just putting mascara on a bunny to see what happens. Animal are treated terribly.  If they were treated as pets, the way they are treated in labs, the owners would be arrested!  Animals in labs don't have rights.  No one cares about them. They are kept in terrible conditions, mistreated, burned, and tortured.  Bunnies get chemicals put into their eyes and they don't even have the ability to create tears or blink.  Beagles are used because they are loyal and trusting.  Mice and rats aren't considered worthy, so they don't even get counted in the 100 million animals that are killed each year.  If rats and mice were counted that number would probably double! 

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